Candle Care Tips
There is truly "an art" to burning soy candles that help prolong the life of the candle as well as the aroma. Handcrafted soy candles typically have a "Burns approximately ____ hours" statement. These statements are made for the perfect scenario! There is so much more to take into consideration when burning a candle and the process of all the hours you think you might achieve. Bottom line, Soy Wax Candles do burn slower than paraffin candles, giving you nearly 50% more burn time due to the nature of the wax. #MoreforYourMoney
Set the "Memory" of your candle - "Burn to the diameter"
- Ensure a "smoke-free" burn, by keeping the wick trimmed to 1/4" every single time lighting the candle; Remove any wick debris that may have fallen into the candle
- Consider the size candle along with the size of the room; Small candle for small rooms such as bathrooms; Larger for wide open spaces
- Candles need oxygen, if you burn a larger size candle in a small space you risk "smoking"
- Burn the candle one hour for every diameter inch the first time you burn your candle; Make sure the melting pool nicely "liquids" across the full diameter of the vessel prior to snuffing out the flame
- Once you burn the candle across the entire diameter with the wax pool extending to the outer rim will "set" the candle's "memory" for the next time you burn it to "burn out to the rim again
- If you need to extinguish the candle prior to a full good burn, it will form a "canyon" in the middle. Simply remember the next time you light it, allow it to burn all the way across
- If you see "soot" or "smoke" - The wick is too long. Snuff it. Trim the Wick. Relight.
- Once your candle cools off - Oftentimes a "frosting" will appear, this is natural to soy wax and has no effect upon the candle
- We suggest to extinguish the flame using a candle snuffer or by safely pushing the wick into the wax pool, then bring the warm wick back to its upright position for the next lighting

Additional Safety Tips
Keep out of reach of children and pets
Burn candles in a well-ventilated room
Keep candles out of any drafty area
Keep the candle on an even, heat-resistant surface
Never touch hot or molten wax
Burn candles within sight, never leave a candle burning without supervision
Never add anything to the candle wax or melt pool - It can change the way the candle is meant to burn in very unpredictable ways, leading to fire hazards
Never burn a candle near curtains, bedding, drafty areas, home decorations, etc
Do not extinguish any candle with its lid; A candle snuffer is best
Storage - Keep all candles out of extreme heat or cold; Store in a cool dark space to prevent sun damage and fading